Desire Line (n): a path that pedestrians take informally, rather than taking a pavement or set route. Taking data as a starting point and thinking about travel, movement and mapping, this exhibition explores the use of transport data to make visible hidden infrastructures. It explores data as material and data as a portal into other worlds, real or imagined. It investigates how data maps or moves people through space and the very human creation of desire lines, those paths made by people unwilling to be guided by the architects and planners of predetermined routes.
Desire Lines is an exhibition and events programme co-curated by Laurence Hill (BDF) and Donna Close (University of Brighton) in association with Lighthouse and NN Contemporary Art Northampton and includes work by Max Colson, Ruini Shi, Jake Elwes, Aaron Koblin, Universal Everything, Nye Thompson, Akeelah Bertram, Semiconductor, Jonathan Chomko, Brendan Dawes, Irene Fubara-Manuel, Michael Takeo, Magruder, Wes Goatley & Georgina Voss Leonhard Müllner & Robin Klengel Laurel Schwulst.
Desire Lines is an outcome of the DRIVA arts DRIVA project led by the University of Brighton, which is investigating the opportunities that arise when a key organisation (Gatwick Airport) releases its data to SMEs and artists and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Arts Council England. Join the community at Image credit: London Knowledge by Max Colson
This event is for… Anyone interested in the possibilities of data