NN Contemporary is pleased to present the inaugural NN Team Exhibition: ‘Paradoxes of Experience’. This mixed media exhibition is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the community of artists that work here at NN. Showcasing work created by the team who deliver the programme of the organisation, allows us to present the many creative personalities and perspectives that have formed this community. The title is taken from Brian O’ Doherty’s famous ‘Beyond the White Cube’ text, where he refers to the differentiating experience, for each participant, that all galleries produce.

As we prepare to relocate to a new building, we begin to reflect on how working with NN’s gallery and studio spaces has impacted the practice of a group of artists from Northamptonshire. The resulting exhibition explores the space of the gallery and the surrounding Cultural Quarter through a unique lens of authorship. This is a space well-known to the artists who have each spent time intimately working with it, either through curatorial projects, workshops, exhibition installs and de-installs or invigilating the gallery programmes. Their in-depth knowledge of the building has informed the way that they have collaborated, experimented and assisted in creating exhibitions. This exhibition is an opportunity to share this knowledge in a new way, and for the public to encounter some of the unseen creativity that shapes NN.

This exhibition has been curated and organised by Jennifer Dudley as part of our NN Ambassador Scheme.