24 Guildhall Road is currently closed as it undergoes capital renovations before our reopening to the public in 2025

We are temporarily based at Vulcan Works from which we are delivering our limited programme. For any inquiries, please contact us via this page. 

Celebration Factory by Filip Markiewicz

While Europe and the world are entangled in their own contradictions in celebrating economic growth and technical progress as the salvation horizon of humanity, Filip Markiewicz proposes to dive into a universe of signs and images that reflect the emptiness of our current discourses.




While Europe and the world are entangled in their own contradictions in celebrating economic growth and technical progress as the salvation horizon of humanity, Filip Markiewicz proposes to dive into a universe of signs and images that reflect the emptiness of our current discourses.

208 pages

23.5cm x 2.54cm x 27.94cm

Hardcover artbook

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